
CPSA 2014 Annual Conference Programme

Canadian Political Science Association


May 27-29, 2014
Brock University
St Catharines, Ontario



Workshops are sessions that are meant to provide an opportunity for participants to engage in fuller examination of a particular theme. All conference registrants are invited to attend workshops in their entirety or to drop in for any part.

Workshop 1 2 3 4 5

Workshop 1 – Canadian Politics: Organizing Interests in Canada

Organizer: Rachel Laforest (Queen’s University)

See sessions A11b,A12b

Organized interests are central to the study of Canadian politics. Many Canadian scholars have recently observed changes in the strength of civil society actors in the state's surrounding. Whether it is through funding cuts, more stringent regulations that restrict the ability of groups to advocate, or the closure of consultative spaces; it is clear that the voice of some civil society groups in policy making has been weakened. However, we can also observe new patterns of mobilization of interests emerge with the rise of a new wave of contentious politics and new forms of citizen engagement thanks to social media - both of which are reshaping the way citizens engage with the public sphere.

Confirmed Workshop Participants include: Pascale Dufour (Université de Montréal), Jonathan Greene (Trent University), Joël Harden (Carleton University), Rachel Laforest (Queen's University), Michael Orsini (University of Ottawa), Miriam Smith (York University), Steven Rathgeb Smith (Syracuse University)

Workshop 2 – CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International Relations: Varieties of Global Governance Arrangements and their Impact on Resource-Rich Developing Countries

Organizer: Hevina S. Dashwood (Brock University)

See sessions C6b,C7d,C12d

In an effort to address global “governance gaps”, a wide variety of global initiatives have sought to respond to the inability/ unwillingness of states to govern in policy realms that transcend national borders. Variously referred to as ‘hybrid’ global governance initiatives, ‘multi-stakeholder partnerships’ or ‘tripartite’ governance, these governance arrangements typically include some combination of state, non-governmental (NGO) and private sector actors. A quickly proliferating number of global governance arrangements have been developed to address the environmental, social, human rights and economic development challenges faced by resource-rich developing countries. Although much attention has been paid in the private global governance literature to the impetus behind and the institutional form these initiatives take, there is relatively little research on their impact in developing countries. The objective of this workshop is to bring together research that critically examines the extent to which various global governance initiatives realize their goals in resource-rich developing countries. Specifically, the workshop organizers invite paper proposals that critically analyze the ‘on the ground’ impact of global governance initiatives in the extractive, forestry, and agricultural sectors in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Confirmed Keynote: Timothy Shaw (University of Massachusetts)

Workshop 3 – Local and Urban Politics: The Just and Diverse City

Organizer: Livianna Tossutti (Brock University)

See sessions E6,E7

The fortunes of cities across Canada and around the world are being shaped by a host of well-known transformative factors, including demographic transition, global migration, economic restructuring and trade liberalization, income inequality, fiscal pressures, infrastructure gaps, and changing environmental conditions, technologies and lifestyle preferences. This workshop aims to bring together academics and practitioners to explore the principles and qualities of a just and diverse city that will enhance the quality of life in cities of all sizes.

We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers that explore the following topics from Canadian, international or comparative perspectives:

1. What are the principles and qualities of the just and diverse city?

2. To what extent have the qualities of the just and diverse city been realized? Single and multiple case studies are particularly welcome.

3. What are the politics, policies and governance models, and the demographic, economic, social and cultural forces, that contribute to the just and diverse city?

4. What strategies can subnational governments and non-governmental organizations and networks implement to realize the qualities of the just and diverse city?

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Susan Fainstein, Harvard University
Address: What Is the Relationship between Diversity and Justice?

Workshop 4 – Public Administration: Canadian Public Administration in the Twenty First Century: Future Trends, Challenges and Prospects

Organizers: Charles Conteh (Brock University), Frank Ohemeng (University of Ottawa) and Ian Roberge (Glendon College)

See sessions K2,K4,K5

This workshop proposes to bring together younger and seasoned scholars of Canadian public administration to discuss current and future trends in the field while seeking to bridge the Anglophone and Francophone analytical traditions. Building on current trends, the workshop participants are to consider new and innovative issues in Canadian public administration. The landscape of Canadian public administration is changing due to phenomena like globalization, fiscal austerity, natural disasters, and increased citizen activism. New theories have emerged, such as new public governance, to try and explain more recent developments that are re-shaping the institutions and processes of public administration. The workshop will provide an opportunity to identify and analyze present and future trends in Canadian public administration. The goal is to use current approaches as point of departure to develop a new and innovative research agenda for the discipline. We would particularly welcome proposals that consider new theoretical approaches or new methodological tools that address the increasingly porous boundaries of the public sector.

Workshop 5 – Women, Gender and Politics and Race, Ethnicity and Indigenous Peoples and Politics: Intersectionality in Austere Times: Boundary-Crossing Conversations

Organizers: Davina Bhandar (Race, Ethnicity and Indigenous Peoples and Politics) and Tammy Findlay (Women, Gender and Politics)

See sessions L1b/N1,L2b/N2,L4b/N4b,L6b/N6,L7b/N7,L11b/N11b/L12b/N12b

In the 2013 edition of Signs dedicated to the theme of intersectionality, Cho, Crenshaw and McCall state that intersectionality has provided “a gathering place for open-ended investigations of the overlapping and conflicting dynamics of race, gender, class, sexuality, nation, and other inequalities” (788). While intersectionality is entering its third decade as a key tool of social analysis, the full impact of this approach has arguably not been realized. Questions remain as to whether it leads to forms of a hierarchy of oppressions, or if the ability to challenge dynamics of power can be understood via an intersectional approach. At the 2014 CPSA, the Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and Politics and the Women and Politics sections are hosting such a gathering place of conversations and collaboration.

In this current moment of austerity, interrogating the systems of power that produce and reinforce multiple axes of oppression is particularly pressing. Austerity is not handed out evenly -- social and economic policy making in austere times has had a greater impact on women, racialized communities and indigenous populations. Globally, cuts to social spending on health care, education, and social welfare and increased privatization, commodification, militarization and securitization are having devastating effects on marginalized peoples.

  • How do we evaluate austerity measures in the context of colonial violence and continued legacies of dispossession?
  • How can an intersectional lens help to make sense of these processes of radical social dislocation?
  • Does an intersectional approach lead to solidarity politics, or does it limit these possibilities?

We welcome papers from a variety of influences including: critical race theory, feminism, political economy, post-structuralism, institutionalism, queer theory, and critical disability.

Suggested Themes:

  • - austerity, indigeneity and dispossession
  • - effects of austerity measures on racialized/gendered/queer/immigrant communities
  • - intersectionality, colonialism and imperialism
  • - intersectionality, citizenship and governance
  • - intersectionality, state restructuring and social policy
  • - intersectionality, security and militarization
  • - intersectionality and institutions (electoral politics, federalism, courts, etc.)
  • - intersectionality, space, place, and scale
  • - neoliberal intersectionality and the commodification of “insurgent knowledge” (Mohanty 2013)
  • - intersectionality, activism and social movements/ forms of resistance
  • - intersectionality and radical research methods

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