CPSA 2015 Annual Conference Programme

Canadian Political AScience Association


June 2-4, 2015
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario


The 2015 Programme Committee recognizes the contributions of the following to our programme:

The University of Ottawa’s Department of Political Science for hosting the departmental reception;

The Congress' International Keynote Speaker Support Fund and the Aid to Interdisciplinary Sessions Fund;

MITACS, Research Matters and the University of Toronto Press for their sponsorship of the inaugural Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition;

The Université Laval’s Groupe de recherche en communication politique (GRCP), The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship/ Le Centre pour l'étude de la citoyenneté démocratique, and the UBC Press series Communication, Strategy and Politics for sponsoring the Permanent Campaign Workshop;

Lorimer Publishing for sponsoring the Ian Greene Workshop lunch;

Garth Williamsand the Parliamentary Internship Programme for sponsoring the Parliamentary Internship Reception and Tour of Parliament Hill;

Michael Orsini (University of Ottawa) for help organizing the Women’s Caucus Reception;

Luc Turgeon (University of Ottawa) and Jon Malloy (Carleton University) for help organizing the Presidential Dinner;

and Yasmeen Abu-Laban (University of Alberta) for serving as Chair of the CPSA Poster Session.

We also would like to thank Michelle Hopkins, CPSA Administrator, Silvina Danesi, CPSA Executive Director, and Sean Hart, IT/Web Consultant, for enabling and supporting our work.

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