Notice to Participants
Responsibilities for all conference participants prior to and at the CPSA 2015 Annual Conference
Chairs | Discussants | Paper Presenters | Poster Presenters | Graduate 3M T® Competition | Round Table Participants | Delegates
The chair is responsible for monitoring the entire session. The success of a session often depends upon the chair's ability to restrict the time of speakers' presentations and temper the discussions from the floor in order to allow sufficient time for inter-action within the presentation. Some of the most important responsibilities of the chair are to:
- Inquire, on behalf of discussants and other paper-givers, about the status and expected completion date of late (post-May 22) papers.
- Acquaint yourself with the content of the papers.
- Arrive early at the session and arrange with all participants the order of speaking and the time limits; normally 15 minutes for paper presentations and 10 minutes for discussants is ample.
- Start the session at the scheduled time with a brief presentation of the theme of the paper/session and (if possible) of the links among the papers.
- Introduce the participants (names and institutional affiliations).
- Maintain strict time limits for each speaker and discussant.
- Moderate panel or floor discussions.
- Adjourn the session in time to allow the room to clear before the next session begins.
Chairs are requested to report name(s) of any no shows and the session number to the section head.
In sessions where discussants are expected to prepare comments in advance, the chair has the option to drop from the programme any author not submitting a copy of his/her presentation to the appropriate discussant by May 22.
Please also note the following ground rules:
- The 2015 CPSA conference will be held during the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (Congress). Each CPSA conference participant must register for both the Congress and the CPSA conference. Anyone who does not causes a loss of revenue for the CPSA and is responsible for any increase in Congress registration fees. By not paying, participants only serve to withhold much needed support for the CPSA and penalize their paying colleagues with higher fees.
- Each conference participant is responsible for his/her travel arrangements.
- Session chairs are not required to be members of CPSA but are more than welcomed to join. Membership information is available at
Discussants are to prepare, in advance, appropriate analytical or critical commentaries of the significance and contribution of the papers presented in a session. Some of the most important responsibilities of the chair are to:
- Inquire, on behalf of discussants and other paper-givers, about the status and expected completion date of late (post-May 22) papers.
- Arrive early at the session to take part in informal discussions about the order of speaking and time-limits.
- Ordinarily 10 minutes is set aside for discussants.
- Please attempt to place your remarks in a context broad enough to spark questions and stir the interest of an audience that typically has not read the paper.
The following are suggested guidelines for discussants' remarks. (1) Given that the audience may not have read the paper it is helpful to begin by stating the major thrust of the paper, identifying its stronger or more interesting features; (2) focus the discussion on the paper's major argument; (3) indicate whether you find the argument a compelling one; (4) state the basic merits and limits of the paper and (5) conclude by stating linkages between papers.
In consultation with the section head, you may decline to discuss any paper which is received in insufficient time for you to prepare an acceptable critique of it.
Please also note the following ground rules:
- The 2015 CPSA conference will be held during the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (Congress). Each CPSA conference participant must register for both the Congress and the CPSA conference. Anyone who does not causes a loss of revenue for the CPSA and is responsible for any increase in registration fees. By not paying, participants only serve to withhold much needed support for the CPSA and penalize their paying colleagues with higher fees.
- Each conference participant is responsible for his/her travel arrangements.
- Discussants are not required to be members of the CPSA but are more than welcomed to join. Membership information is available at
Paper Presenters
If your proposal is accepted, the details of the conference session in which you will be participating will be available in the on-line Programme. Once the programme is available, please take a moment to go to that section of this site to check for spelling and other errors, and where these occur, notify your section head and the CPSA secretariat as soon as possible.
The 15 May 2015 will be the final opportunity to make changes or to withdraw from the panel. Please consider seriously any conditions that might make it impossible for you to meet the deadlines or take part in this session and let your section head know immediately.
Responsibilities of presenters
- Presenters are required to provide copies of their text to all of the other participants in their session by May 22 at the latest. E-mail addresses will be available in the programme. Failure to do this will likely result in the chair excluding the presentation from the session. Further, the discussant has no obligation to comment on the paper if it has not been previously seen. Such an action would be a loss to all attending the session. A copy must be sent to the following:
- section head;
- session chair;
- discussant(s);
- any other session participants;
- one copy (pdf format) to the CPSA secretariat for posting to the CPSA web site.
- The text must be SINGLE SPACED, not exceeding the CJPS manuscript submission word count of 8,000, including notes and appendices and typed on standard 8 1/2" by 11" (or its metric equivalent) paper.
- Presenters should prepare comments outlining the major points of their papers. A good presentation is a must for a successful session.
- Oral Presentation (15 minutes) - Below are guidelines for preparing an oral summary of a paper: No paper should ever be read verbatim from the text. Such presentations are often not only dull but also incomplete due to time constraints imposed by the chair; an author reading from text may be cut off by the chair before reaching the most significant aspects of the presentation. Highlights may be given covering such points as purpose of the study, description of the sample, methodology, problems, major findings, conclusions, or recommendations. The amount of time devoted to each highlight may vary depending upon the author's evaluation of the importance of each area related to the paper. Inexperienced extemporaneous speakers are advised to prepare a "reading text" of approximately 5 typed pages.
Please also note the following ground rules:
- For accepted presentations by single authors or multiple authors, each author must be a member in good standing of the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) by April 15th. Membership exemptions will be provided by the CPSA secretariat to invited guests of the programme committee, and on request, to foreigners who can provide confirmation of a membership in their national association or individuals from other scholarly disciplines. The CPSA secretariat will contact all non-members regarding their membership status prior to the above deadline. Should you need to become a member of the Association, please see for more information.
- The 2015 CPSA conference will be held during the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (Congress). Each CPSA conference participant must register for both the Congress and the CPSA conference. Anyone who does not causes a loss of revenue for the CPSA and is responsible for any increase in registration fees. By not paying, participants only serve to withhold much needed support for the CPSA and penalize their paying colleagues with higher fees .
- Each conference participant is responsible for his/her travel arrangements.
Poster Presenters
If your proposal is accepted, the details of the conference session in which you will be participating in will be available in the on-line Programme. Once the programme is available, please take a moment to go to that section of this site to check for spelling and other errors, and where these occur, notify your section head and the CPSA secretariat as soon as possible.
The 15 May 2015 will be the final opportunity to make changes or to withdraw from the programme. Please consider seriously any conditions that might make it impossible for you to meet the deadlines or take part in the poster session and let your section head know immediately.
Responsibilities of poster presenters:
- Presenters are asked to be present at their poster session (see listing in online programme) and during the departmental reception if they wish to be considered for the CPSA Poster Prize.
- A poster board surface, 4' high and 6' wide will be provided for poster presenters. On this surface, the author(s) will attach the following: the title of the presentation and authors; a copy of the abstract (in large type); an introduction, methods, results, and a short bibliography; and any tables or figures that communicate the results of the research. Fastening pins will be available at the conference but presenters are permitted to bring their own fastening materials. These items should be mounted on the poster boards prior to the beginning of the poster session to which each presenter is assigned (15 minutes will be provided for this before each session). Please arrive on time in order to prepare your poster prior to the beginning of your assigned session. Poster presenters should note that visual representations of results will be more effective than text.
- Poster presenters are also expected to give a 3 minute presentation of their posters during their poster session. Presentations must NOT exceed 3 minutes but can be less than 3 minutes. Presenters will be cut off from speaking if their verbal presentations exceed 3 minutes. Presenters are permitted to pre-tape these presentations ahead of time and to display them for the poster judges. If this option is chosen, poster presenters must provide a laptop to facilitate the playback of the pre-taped presentation.
- If you provide a pdf version of your poster to the CPSA secretariat, it will be uploaded to the CPSA website.
- More detailed instructions to poster presenters were emailed to poster presenters directly in early May. Please consult this email for additional information, as well as the online programme, for additional information.
Please note the following ground rules:
- For accepted presentations by single authors or multiple authors, each author must be a member in good standing in CPSA by April 15th. Membership exemptions will be provided by the CPSA secretariat to invited guests of the programme committee, and on request, to foreigners who can provide confirmation of a membership in their national association or individuals from other scholarly disciplines. Please contact the CPSA secretariat for confirmation of status if necessary. Should you need to become a member of the Association, please see see for more information.
- The 2015 CPSA conference will be held during the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (Congress). Each CPSA conference participant must register for both the Congress and the CPSA conference. Anyone who does not causes a loss of revenue for the CPSA and is responsible for any increase in registration fees. By not paying, participants only serve to withhold much needed support for the CPSA and penalize their paying colleagues with higher fees.
- Each conference participant is responsible for his/her travel arrangements
Round Table Participants
- Roundtable Participants are requested to bring copies of their presentation summaries to the sessions. Doing so will enable participants to discuss the topic more effectively.
- The 2014 CPSA conference will be held during the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (Congress). Each CPSA conference participant must register for both the Congress and the CPSA conference. Anyone who does not causes a loss of revenue for the CPSA and is responsible for any increase in registration fees. By not paying, participants only serve to withhold much needed support for the CPSA and penalize their paying colleagues with higher fees .
- Each conference participant is responsible for his/her travel arrangements
- Roundtable participants are not required to be members of CPSA but are more than welcomed to join. Membership information is available at
Graduate 3MT® Competition
2015 is the inaugural year for the Graduate 3MT® competition, following the lead of similar competitions that began at the University of Queensland in 2008 and have been held provincially and nationally in Canada in recent years.
MA and PhD. Student competitors who participate in the 3MT® competition should have made substantial progress on their graduate research and analysis and must be available to present in both one initial heat of the competition during the first two days of the conference to be held in the Teaching and Research Skills Development Section (Please see the online programme for your scheduled initial heat), as well as in the final competition.
The final competition of (up to) the top four 3MT® presentations will be held during the lunch session (12:00-1:00pm) on June 4th of the conference in front of a non-specialist judging panel. Prizes will be awarded to the top presenters at the June 4th lunch session finale.
During their three minute presentations, students are permitted to use one single static PowerPoint slide to augment their verbal presentations (no slide transitions, animations or ‘movement’ of any description). No additional electronic media (e.g. sound or video files) are permitted. No additional props are permitted. Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum and competitors exceeding 3 minutes will be disqualified.
3MT® presentations will be video-taped for posting to YouTube and/or the CPSA website at a later date.
Please note the following ground rules:
- For accepted presentations by single authors or multiple authors, each author must be a member in good standing in CPSA by April 15th. Membership exemptions will be provided by the CPSA secretariat to invited guests of the programme committee, and on request, to foreigners who can provide confirmation of a membership in their national association or individuals from other scholarly disciplines. Please contact the CPSA secretariat for confirmation of status if necessary. Should you need to become a member of the Association, please see see for more information.
- The 2015 CPSA conference will be held during the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (Congress). Each CPSA conference participant must register for both the Congress and the CPSA conference. Anyone who does not causes a loss of revenue for the CPSA and is responsible for any increase in registration fees. By not paying, participants only serve to withhold much needed support for the CPSA and penalize their paying colleagues with higher fees.
- Each conference participant is responsible for his/her travel arrangements .
- Delegates are asked to follow the rules set by the host university, to refrain from conversing in the hallways outside of the presentations, and to refrain from leaving sessions early, that is, before all presenters have presented.
- The 2015 CPSA conference will be held during the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities (Congress). Each CPSA conference participant must register for both the Congress and the CPSA conference. Anyone who does not causes a loss of revenue for the CPSA and is responsible for any increase in registration fees. By not paying, participants only serve to withhold much needed support for the CPSA and penalize their paying colleagues with higher fees .
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