2017 Canadian Political Science Association

Annual Conference Programme

Ryerson University
  Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences: May 27 - June 2
  The CPSA conference dates within Congress are Tuesday, May 30 to Thursday, June 1.

All members are invited to attend the
2017 Annual General Meeting to be held on
May 31, 2017 at Ryerson University.

Time: 01:00pm to 02:00pm | Location: HEI-201 (Heidelberg Centre)

May 31, 2017

Time: Cocktails available at 6:00 pm; Dinner from 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm |
   Location: Dim Sum King (421 Dundas Street West, Toronto)



The 2017 Programme Committee recognizes the contributions of the following to our programme:

Ryerson University’s Department of Politics & Public Administration for hosting the departmental reception; 

The Congress' International Keynote Speaker Support Fund and the Aid to Interdisciplinary Sessions Fund; 

MITACS and the University of Toronto Press for their sponsorship of the Graduate Student Three Minute Thesis Competition; 

IPAC National, IPAC Toronto Region Group, Canadian Public Administration Journal and the Ryerson Department of Politics and Public Administration for their sponsorship of the Indigenous Governance and Public Administration Workshop;

IPAC Toronto Region Group and the Ryerson Centre for Policy Innovation and Public Engagement for their sponsorship and The Brookfield InstituteIPAC Edmonton Regional Group for their in-kind support of the Café Pracademique Workshop;

Innovative Research Group, the School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto, the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship and the Canada Research Chair in Public Opinion, Elections, and Representation for their sponsorship of The Future of Surveys: Challenges and Opportunities Workshop;

Groupe de recherche sur le fonctionnement de la démocratie (FODEM), Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship and the Department of Political Science, McGill University for their sponsorship of the Plenary Roundtable: Trumpization of Canada: Can It Happen Here?;

Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship and the Department of Political Science, McGill University for their sponsorship of the Confederation @ 150: Roundtable Plenary - CPSA Truth and Reconciliation Committee Roundtable (TRC Workshop) - Ensuring that the TRC is a Program of Action: The CPSA Reconciliation Committee's Plan and the Discipline;

Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship and the Department of Political Science, McGill University for their sponsorship of the Roundtable: Explaining the 2016 US Election;

Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship and the Department of Political Science, McGill University for their sponsorship of the Plenary: Brexit, Trump and the Rise of Radical Right Populism in the West: Is Democracy Threatened?;

Canadian Opinion Research Archive based at Queen’s University for its sponsorship of the Inequality, Intergroup Relations and Social Solidarity in the 21st Century Workshop Keynote Speaker, Bo Rothstein, University of Oxford;

Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship, Canadian Opinion Research Archive based at Queen’s University and the Chaire de recherche en psychologie politique de la solidarité sociale for their sponsorship of the Inequality, Intergroup Relations and Social Solidarity in the 21st Century Workshop;

Department of Political Science, University of Toronto for its sponsorship of Confederation @150: Book Launch Event: Robert Vipond, Making a Global City;

Nora Clarkson for her sponsorship of the Pre-conference Reception: Tribute to Professor Stephen Clarkson;

Erin Tolley (University of Toronto) for helping to organize the CPSA Cabaret;

André Blais (Université de Montréal), David McGrane (University of Saskatchewan) and Alison Smith (University of Toronto) for serving as judges of the CPSA Poster Session;

Willem Maas (York University, Glendon College), Nisha Nath (University of Alberta), Kyle Hanniman (Queen’s University), Michael Donnelly (UToronto) ,Mitu Sengupta (Ryerson University), Joanna Quinn (Western University), Derek Penner (Trent), Christina Stevens (Global TV) and Richard Stren (University of Toronto) for serving as judges of the Three Minute Thesis Competition;

We also would like to thank Silvina Danesi, CPSA Executive Director, Michelle Hopkins, CPSA Administrator, Sean Hart, IT/Web Consultant and Neil Thomlinson, local arrangements coordinator, for enabling and supporting our work. Their guidance, assistance and expertise behind the scenes ensure that our meetings are successful.