2017 Canadian Political Science Association

Annual Conference Programme

Ryerson University
  Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences: May 27 - June 2
  The CPSA conference dates within Congress are Tuesday, May 30 to Thursday, June 1.

All members are invited to attend the
2017 Annual General Meeting to be held on
May 31, 2017 at Ryerson University.

Time: 01:00pm to 02:00pm | Location: HEI-201 (Heidelberg Centre)

May 31, 2017

Time: Cocktails available at 6:00 pm; Dinner from 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm |
   Location: Dim Sum King (421 Dundas Street West, Toronto)


Local and Urban Politics

Session: E6 - Keynote Roundtable: Place Matters (see/voir B6(c))

Date: May 31, 2017 | Time: 08:45am to 10:15am | Location: KHS-251 (Kerr Hall South)| iCal iOS / Outlook

Joint Session / Séance conjointe: with/avec Comparative Politics/Politique comparée

Chair/Président: David Imbroscio (University of Louisville)

Participants & Authors/Auteurs:

Neil Bradford (Huron University College)
Margaret Weir (Brown University)

Place matters for politics and policymaking because the characteristics of local societies, economies, and environments differ. Governments may be increasingly responding to these differences by adopting place-specific policies and institutions. At the same time, politics appears to increasingly turn on place-based cleavages. In this roundtable, Margaret Weir and Neil Bradford will draw on their decades of research to discuss place-oriented political science in the United States and Canada, exploring national similarities and differences and how they should be analyzed.