• darkblurbg
    Canadian Political Science Association
    2018 Annual Conference Programme

    Politics in Uncertain Times
    Hosted at the University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan
    Wednesday, May 30 to Friday, June 1, 2018
  • darkblurbg
    Presidential Address
    - The Charter’s Influence on Legislation -
    - Political Strategizing about Risk -

    Wednesday, May 30, 2018 | 05:00pm to 06:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Departmental Reception
    Department of Politics and
    International Studies

    Sponsor(s): University of Regina Faculty of Arts |
    University of Regina Provost's Office

    May 30, 2018 | 06:00pm to 07:59pm

CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International Relations

C05(a) - Roundtable: Indigenous Politics and/in IR

Date: May 30 | Time: 01:30pm to 03:00pm | Location: Classroom - CL 313 Room ID:15703

Chair/Président/Présidente : Nicole Wegner (University of Saskatchewan)

Discussant/Commentateur/Commentatrice : Colleen Bell (University of Saskatchewan)

Indigenous politics and/in IR:

Jeremy Wildeman (University of Bath)
Leah Sarson (Dartmouth College)
Colleen Bell (University of Saskatchewan)
Denali Youngwolfe (University of British Columbia)
TBA ()
Wilfrid Greaves (University of Victoria)

Abstract: Despite robust literatures on International Relations and Foreign Policy Studies, Indigenous politics and perspectives have largely been excluded from these fields of study, and are often classified as domestic rather than inter-national issues. International Relations (IR)’s absence of Indigenous voices and perspectives on indigeneity have only recently garnered attention with a small but growing subfield exploring the ways that Indigenous peoples have experienced political life through systems of imperialism and colonialism worldwide. In both the study of IR and Foreign Policy, there has been a dominant acceptance of the centrality of the state, constructed in the image of Westphalian boundaries and sovereignty. This has led to the inaudibility of Fourth World voices in the central study of International Relations and Foreign Policy. This roundtable aims to explore perspectives on indigeneity and Indigenous perspectives and politics as they relate to the field of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

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