• darkblurbg
    Canadian Political Science Association
    2018 Annual Conference Programme

    Politics in Uncertain Times
    Hosted at the University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan
    Wednesday, May 30 to Friday, June 1, 2018
  • darkblurbg
    Presidential Address
    - The Charter’s Influence on Legislation -
    - Political Strategizing about Risk -

    Wednesday, May 30, 2018 | 05:00pm to 06:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Departmental Reception
    Department of Politics and
    International Studies

    Sponsor(s): University of Regina Faculty of Arts |
    University of Regina Provost's Office

    May 30, 2018 | 06:00pm to 07:59pm

Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and Politics

L04 - Workshop: Refusal, Resistance, Resurgence Lunch - Keynote: From Woke to Free: Policing Black Lives, Abolition and Black Feminist Futures

Date: May 30 | Time: 12:00pm to 01:30pm | Location: Classroom CL 127 Room ID:15776

Sponsor / Commanditaire : Congress’ Aid to Interdisciplinary Sessions Fund

Chair/Président/Présidente : Debra Thompson (University of Oregon)

Robyn Maynard (Author, Community Organizer and Educator, Montréal)

This keynote address will be delivered by Robyn Maynard, a Black feminist who has spent years documenting racist and gender-based state violence. She has spent the better part of the decade doing frontline harm-reduction outreach work in Montreal, and continues to provide trainings for health and social service providers on the harms created by systemic racism, criminal laws and stigmatization. Maynard is the author of Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present, a national bestseller, released by Fernwood Publishing in 2017.

This plenary keynote is jointly presented with the workshop on “Refusal, Resistance, Resurgence” organized by the Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and Politics section, and also in collaboration with the Women's and Gender Studies et Recherches Féministes (WGSRF) with assistance from the Congress’ Aid to Interdisciplinary Sessions Fund.

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