K14 - Workshop: Science, Evidence and Policy (3)
Date: May 31 | Time: 03:45pm to 05:15pm | Location: Classroom - CL 431 Room ID:15725
Chair/Président/Présidente : Luc Juillet (University of Ottawa)
Discussant/Commentateur/Commentatrice : Patrick Fafard (University of Ottawa)
Data Analytics for Public Transit Management: Jim McDonald (City of Saskatoon)
Abstract: Saskatoon Transit is and will continue to use data to determine where and when our customers use our service as well as how they are finding out information about our service. We have recently embarked on an Open Data partnership with Google, the Transit app as well as other third party developers, to offer our real time information so that our customers can track the bus they wish to take. Our market penetration with the Transit app alone sees about 5000 people per day using the app.
Data analytics also help us determine if our service is on time and what percentage of the time it meets our targets. We are able to gauge usage on our routing and know when to adjust the numbers of buses we use, in the morning peak for example. Data enables us to intelligently discuss issues with other partners, the University of Saskatchewan and those companies who use our Eco Pass regarding ridership trends, etc. Data also allows us to track the number of complaints and commendations we receive and also develop an idea of the dangers we face on the roads – whether it be from road design or third party collisions so that we can adjust our training or have discussions with the Transportation division regarding issues such as light phasing.
The Science Behind Municipal Composting Policy: Whitney Schiefner (City of Regina)
Abstract: Composting is a natural process that breaks down kitchen, lawn and garden materials into a dark, earthy, soil-like material that makes an excellent soil conditioner for plants, gardens and lawns. Municipal governments facilitate composting of household organic waste in a variety of techniques. The City of Regina has an active public education program to encourage residents to set up their own backyard composters to manage the organic waste that they produce. This material can then be used by residents for their lawns and gardens or even for urban agriculture projects.
What is the role of science and evidence in debates about how to manage local organic waste? How does the City of Regina use science and evidence in their public education program? What are the benefits and challenges of the City of Regina’s backyard composting program? How do residents respond to evidence-based explanations and arguments?
Using Scientific Evidence to Inform Policy Agendas: Examining Local Climate Change Action Plans: Elizabeth Schwartz (University of Saskatchewan)
Abstract: Debates over the appropriate response to climate change have highlighted the sometimes conflictual relationship between science and politics. Although debates about the role of climate science in the formation of policy are perhaps more publicized at the international and national levels, municipal governments also confront this issue. This presentation explores how municipal governments use evidence to address the challenge of climate change.
Following internationally established best practices, many local governments in Canada have measured the greenhouse gas emissions that result from their own operations and activities within their jurisdictional boundaries. The purpose of these greenhouse gas inventories, as they are known, is to inform the development of climate change action plans and to evaluate the success of these plans and related policies. But addressing climate change has action plans are often politically motivated. To what extent is the content of such plans reflective of the results of greenhouse gas inventories? How have policymakers incorporated these scientific findings into their decisions? Are the emission reduction targets, timelines and policy instruments aligned with the results of the inventories? What is the balance between scientific evidence and political incentives?