• darkblurbg

    CPSA Students Caucus Meeting

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg

    Workshop: The Official Languages Act at 50
    Le 50e anniversaire de la Loi sur les langues officielles

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg

    Reception: Department of Political Science
    University of British Columbia

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg
    Canadian Political Science Association
    2019 Annual Conference Programme


    Hosted at the University of British Columbia
    Tuesday, June 4 to Thursday, June 6, 2019
  • darkblurbg
    Presidential Address:
    François Rocher, CPSA President

    Life and Death of an Issue:
    Canadian Political Science and
    Quebec Politics

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Tuesday, June 4, 2019 | 05:00pm to 06:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote: UBCIC Grand
    Chief Stewart Phillip

    Asserting Indigenous
    Title and Rights in 2019

    Location: CIRS 1250
    June 04, 2019 | 10:30am to 12:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote Speaker: Wendy Brown
    In the Ruins of Neoliberalism:
    Our Predicaments:
    the Rise of Anti-democratic
    Politics in the West

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Wednesday, June 5, 2019 | 02:00pm to 03:30pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote Speaker: Roland Paris
    Canada Alone?
    Surviving in a Meaner World

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Thursday, June 6, 2019 | 10:30am to 12:00pm


Please visit us often as we continue to update the various sections of our online conference programme.

All Sessions - June 03 2019

Day 0 - Session 1 (09:30 am - 10:00 am)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
L00(a)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Registration/BreakfastJun 309:30am to 10:00amESB 2012/1012

Day 0 - Business and Committee Meetings01 (09:00 am - 12:00 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
S00(a)Business and Committee MeetingsCPSA Executive Committee / Bureau de direction de l’ACSPJun 309:00am to 12:00pmAngus 966

Day 0 - Session 2 (10:00 am - 11:30 am)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
L00(b)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Plenary panel: Gender Issues in the AcademyJun 310:00am to 11:30amESB 2012/1012

Day 0 - Session 3 (Lunch / Déjeuner) (11:30 am - 12:30 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
L00(c)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Mentorship lunchJun 311:30am to 12:30pmESB 2012/1012

Day 0 - Business and Committee Meetings02 (01:00 pm - 05:00 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
S00(b)Business and Committee MeetingsCPSA Board of Directors / Conseil d’administration de l’ACSPJun 301:00pm to 05:00pmAngus 966

Day 0 - Session 4 (12:30 pm - 02:00 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
C00CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsRoundtable: Russian Security Policy: Challenges and OpportunitiesJun 312:30pm to 02:00pmFrederic Lasserre 105
L00(d)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Concurrent Workshops: Gender, Race, & the Job MarketJun 312:30pm to 02:00pmESB 2012/1012
L00(e)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Concurrent Workshops: Mid-Career MentorshipJun 312:30pm to 02:00pmESB 2012/1012
L00(f)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Concurrent Workshops: Gender and researchJun 312:30pm to 02:00pmESB 2012/1012

Day 0 - Session 5 (02:00 pm - 03:30 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
L00(g)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Concurrent Workshops: Work/Life Balance: Handling Emotional Labour, Guilt, and AmbitionJun 302:00pm to 03:30pmESB 2012/1012
L00(h)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Concurrent Workshops: Activism and Being Change-Makers Inside and Outside the AcademyJun 302:00pm to 03:30pmESB 2012/1012
L00(i)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Concurrent Workshops: Building Community and Survival StrategiesJun 302:00pm to 03:30pmESB 2012/1012

Day 0 - Session 6 (03:30 pm - 05:00 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
L00(j)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWomen In Political Science Leadership Program - Small Group WorkshopJun 303:30pm to 05:00pmESB 2012/1012

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