• darkblurbg

    CPSA Students Caucus Meeting

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg

    Workshop: The Official Languages Act at 50
    Le 50e anniversaire de la Loi sur les langues officielles

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg

    Reception: Department of Political Science
    University of British Columbia

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg
    Canadian Political Science Association
    2019 Annual Conference Programme


    Hosted at the University of British Columbia
    Tuesday, June 4 to Thursday, June 6, 2019
  • darkblurbg
    Presidential Address:
    François Rocher, CPSA President

    Life and Death of an Issue:
    Canadian Political Science and
    Quebec Politics

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Tuesday, June 4, 2019 | 05:00pm to 06:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote: UBCIC Grand
    Chief Stewart Phillip

    Asserting Indigenous
    Title and Rights in 2019

    Location: CIRS 1250
    June 04, 2019 | 10:30am to 12:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote Speaker: Wendy Brown
    In the Ruins of Neoliberalism:
    Our Predicaments:
    the Rise of Anti-democratic
    Politics in the West

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Wednesday, June 5, 2019 | 02:00pm to 03:30pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote Speaker: Roland Paris
    Canada Alone?
    Surviving in a Meaner World

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Thursday, June 6, 2019 | 10:30am to 12:00pm


Please visit us often as we continue to update the various sections of our online conference programme.

All Sessions - June 06 2019

Day 3 - Session 11 (08:45 am - 10:15 am)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
A15(a)Canadian PoliticsGender and Canadian PoliticsJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 106
A15(b)Canadian PoliticsGender and Public Policy in CanadaJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 405
A15(c)Canadian PoliticsAssessing the Policy Performance of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government: Retrospective, Prospective or Gyroscopic Mandate Assessments - Panel 1Jun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 107
A15(d)Canadian PoliticsRights, Recognition and AttitudesJun 608:45am to 10:15amEOSM 135
B15Comparative PoliticsLeadership, Elites and PowerJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 306
C15(a)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsContemporary Challenges in Armed Conflict II: Governance, Gender and LegitimacyJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 108
C15(b)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsGlobalization and Global GovernanceJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 109
C15(c)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsProblems and Pitfalls in the Growing Institutionalization of International Economic RelationsJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 206
D15Law and Public PolicyContext, Design, and Policy Feedback: Considering New Developments and Gaps in the LiteratureJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 406
E15Local and Urban PoliticsAging in the CityJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 110
F15Political Behaviour/SociologyCitizens, Politicians, and Social MediaJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 310
G15Political EconomyThe Failure of Financial Regulation: Why A Major Crisis Could Happen AgainJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 210
H15(a)Political TheoryTerritory and SovereigntyJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 307
H15(b)Political TheoryRoundtable: Democracy in Crisis? If Democracy is to Survive, What Must it Become?Jun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 205
J15Provincial and Territorial Politics in Canada and BeyondWorkshop: The Changing Face of Provincial Party Politics I: Blue Wave? Conservatives in the Canadian ProvincesJun 608:45am to 10:15amESB 2012
K15CPSA/CAPPA section on Public AdministrationCivil Servants and Decision-MakingJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 409
L15(a)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWorkshop: Socially Engaged Research – Navigating Questions of Consent, ‘Community’ Knowledge, and Activist-ScholarshipJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 309
L15(b)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsMicro-paper Roundtable: Memory Studies in Political Science: Methodologies and Research AreasJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 308
M15Teaching and Professional PracticeHigher Education (Part I of 2) - Inclusion and Diversity in our Universities: How Is Internationalization Changing Higher Education?Jun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 105
N15(a)Women, Gender, and PoliticsWorkshop: Not Just Because It's 2019: Intersectional Politics in the New Trudeau Era I (Joint Workshop)Jun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 407
N15(b)Women, Gender, and PoliticsToward Infrastructures of Equality: Examining the Role of Women in Sustainable Energy Transitions IJun 608:45am to 10:15amSWING 305
R15(b)Special EventsCritical Issues and Opportunities for Intervention in the 2019 Federal ElectionJun 608:45am to 10:15amCIRS 1250

Day 3 - Business and Committee Meetings09 (08:30 am - 09:30 am)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
S15(a)Business and Committee MeetingsCPSA Board of Directors - Orientation Session / Conseil d’administration de l’ACSP - OrientationJun 608:30am to 09:30amCIRS 1151, BC Hydro Theatre

Day 3 - Business and Committee Meetings10 (08:45 am - 10:15 am)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
S15(b)Business and Committee Meetings2020 CPSA Programme Committee / Comité du programme 2020Jun 608:45am to 10:15amCIRS Policy Lab, 1141

Day 3 - Business and Committee Meetings11 (09:30 am - 12:00 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
S15(c)Business and Committee Meetings(New) CPSA Board of Directors / (Nouveau) Conseil d’administration de l’ACSPJun 609:30am to 12:00pmCIRS 1151, BC Hydro Theatre

Day 3 - Coffee Break (10:15 am - 10:30 am)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom

Day 3 - Session 12 (10:30 am - 12:00 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
A17(a)Canadian PoliticsRight-Wing Canadian Political PartiesJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 405
A17(b)Canadian PoliticsCanadian LegislaturesJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 106
A17(c)Canadian PoliticsAssessing the Policy Performance of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government: Retrospective, Prospective or Gyroscopic Mandate Assessments - Panel 2Jun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 109
A17(d)Canadian PoliticsCanadian Political History and EducationJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 308
B17Comparative PoliticsSecessionist MovementsJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 306
C17(a)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsRoundtable: Author Meets Critics: Women as Foreign Policy LeadersJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 107
C17(b)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsTheoretical and Methodological Advancements in the Study of Violent Non-state ActorsJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 406
C17(c)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsThe International Politics of the ArcticJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 307
D17Law and Public PolicyCanadian Gun Control PolicyJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 108
E17Local and Urban PoliticsThe Politics of Municipal Infrastructure DevelopmentJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 110
F17(a)Political Behaviour/SociologyPublic Opinion FormationJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 310
F17(b)Political Behaviour/SociologyÉlection Québec 2018Jun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 309
G17(a)Political EconomyResponses to GlobalizationJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 410
G17(b)Political EconomyFinance: Security, Inclusion, PrecarityJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 207
H17(a)Political TheoryHannah Arendt and Michel FoucaultJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 105
H17(b)Political TheoryPolitical Theory and the Founding of StatesJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 121
J17(a)Provincial and Territorial Politics in Canada and BeyondComparative Federalism and Public PolicyJun 610:30am to 12:00pmEOSM 135
J17(b)Provincial and Territorial Politics in Canada and BeyondWorkshop: The Changing Face of Provincial Party Politics II: Red Retreat? Liberals in the Canadian ProvincesJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 408
K17CPSA/CAPPA section on Public AdministrationInnovation in the Public SectorJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 206
L17(a)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsDecolonizing Refugee Studies, Decolonizing ‘Rights’, and Decolonizing Political TheoryJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 305
L17(b)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsSociological and Political Thought: Indigenous PerspectivesJun 610:30am to 12:00pmANGU 435
L17(c)Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWorkshop: Socially Engaged Teaching – Reflections on Pedagogy & EthicsJun 610:30am to 12:00pmESB 2012
M17(a)Teaching and Professional PracticeHigher Education (Part 2 of 2) - The Bologna Process, 20 Years OnJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 409
M17(b)Teaching and Professional PracticeRoundtable Series: Teaching and Learning After the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Panel 8 of 8 (Joint Workshop)Jun 610:30am to 12:00pmSwing 407
N17(a)Women, Gender, and PoliticsWorkshop: Not Just Because It's 2019: Intersectional Politics in the New Trudeau Era II (Joint Workshop)Jun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 208
N17(b)Women, Gender, and PoliticsToward Infrastructures of Equality: Examining the Role of Women in Sustainable Energy Transitions IIJun 610:30am to 12:00pmSWING 205
R17Special EventsKeynote: Canada Alone? Surviving in a Meaner WorldJun 610:30am to 12:00pmCIRS 1250

Day 3 - Session 13 (Lunch / Déjeuner) (12:00 pm - 01:30 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
A18(a)Canadian PoliticsRoundtable: What We Know and What We Don’t Know: The State of Research on Canada’s Political Parties as the 2019 Federal Election ApproachesJun 612:00pm to 01:30pmSWING 108
A18(b)Canadian PoliticsRoundtable: The Challenge of Future Uncertainty and Climate Policy in CanadaJun 612:00pm to 01:30pmSWING 121
B18Comparative PoliticsSocial Welfare PoliciesJun 612:00pm to 01:30pmSWING 205
C18CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsISA Canada Professional Development Workshop III: Indigenizing the International Relations ClassroomJun 612:00pm to 01:30pmSWING 307
E18Local and Urban PoliticsThe Role of the Business Sector in Local PoliticsJun 612:00pm to 01:30pmSWING 406
J18Provincial and Territorial Politics in Canada and BeyondRoundtable: Reflections on Provincial Elections in 2018Jun 612:00pm to 01:30pmSWING 107
M18(a)Teaching and Professional PracticeRoundtable: Mentoring and Learning from the Next Generation of Social Sciences and Humanities ScholarsJun 612:00pm to 01:30pmEOSM 135
M18(b)Teaching and Professional PracticeThree Minute Thesis Competition (Finals)Jun 612:00pm to 01:30pmESB 2012
N18Women, Gender, and PoliticsIGNITE Change: Feminist Conversation on Collective Action Strategies for Decolonization and Social JusticeJun 612:00pm to 01:30pmSWING 207
R18Special EventsPopulism and Political Science: Implications for the DisciplineJun 612:00pm to 01:30pmSWING 305

Day 3 - Session 14 (01:30 pm - 03:00 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
A19(a)Canadian PoliticsCanadian Public Policy IIJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 109
A19(b)Canadian PoliticsAssessing the Policy Performance of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government: Retrospective, Prospective or Gyroscopic Mandate Assessments - Panel 3Jun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 405
A19(c)Canadian PoliticsDiscussion autour du nouveau manuelJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 106
B19Comparative PoliticsIssues on Transitions from Authoritarian Rule to DemocracyJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 107
C19(a)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsIntroducing the Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary International Political EconomyJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmBUCH D304
C19(b)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsISA Canada Business MeetingJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 308
C19(c)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsRoundtable: Gender and IR in Everyday Places and SpacesJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 309
D19(a)Law and Public PolicyThe Judicial Politics of PakistanJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 306
D19(b)Law and Public PolicyEvaluating Policy ChangeJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 406
E19Local and Urban PoliticsThe Politics of Municipal Finance and RevenueJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 110
F19(a)Political Behaviour/SociologySocial Movements and Protest BehaviorJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 310
F19(b)Political Behaviour/SociologyRoundtable: It’s Just Around The Corner: Preliminary Look at Edited Books on the 2019 ElectionJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 307
G19Political EconomyWhere and When Does the Money Go?Jun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 206
H19(a)Political TheoryPolitical Theory and Thomas HobbesJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 407
H19(b)Political TheoryFreedom of Thought and ExpressionJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 210
H19(c)Political TheoryRoundtable: Grounded Normative Theory and its Philosophical FoundationsJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmESB 2012
J19(a)Provincial and Territorial Politics in Canada and BeyondWorkshop: The Changing Face of Provincial Party Politics III: Orange Crushed? New Democrats in the Canadian ProvincesJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 205
J19(b)Provincial and Territorial Politics in Canada and BeyondEnergy and Environment Policies and Politics: Balancing Values, Interests and ImperativesJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 207
L19Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsWorkshop: Socially Engaged Research and Indigenous PoliticsJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 105
N19(a)Women, Gender, and PoliticsPolitical LeadershipJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmSWING 409
N19(b)Women, Gender, and PoliticsEncountering Energy and Resource ExtractionJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmEOSM 135

Day 3 - Business and Committee Meetings12 (01:30 pm - 02:30 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom

Day 3 - Business and Committee Meetings13 (01:30 pm - 03:00 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
S19Business and Committee Meetings2020 Programme Chairs, 2020 Local Arrangements Coordinators & CPSA Officers Meeting / Réunion des présidents du comité du programme 2020, responsables de l'organisation des lieux 2020 et les dirigeants de l'ACSPJun 601:30pm to 03:00pmCIRS 1151, BC Hydro Theatre

Day 3 - Coffee Break (03:00 pm - 03:15 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom

Day 3 - Session 15 (03:15 pm - 04:45 pm)

IDSectionEvent NameDateTimeRoom
A21(a)Canadian PoliticsIndigenous Politics IIJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 405
A21(b)Canadian PoliticsAssessing the Policy Performance of Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government: Retrospective, Prospective or Gyroscopic Mandate Assessments - Panel 4Jun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 109
B21Comparative PoliticsFederalism and DiversityJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 106
C21(a)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsInstitutional Change in Security ForcesJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 308
C21(b)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsForeign Policy Approaches to Human-made and Natural DisastersJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 306
C21(c)CPSA/ISA-Canada section on International RelationsNuclear Weapons: Old Risks, Contemporary FearsJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 107
D21Law and Public PolicyJudicial BehaviourJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 108
E21Local and Urban PoliticsThe Right to the CityJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 406
F21(a)Political Behaviour/SociologyNew Methods for Studying Political BehaviorJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 307
F21(b)Political Behaviour/SociologyNew Perspectives in the Study of Political Attitudes and BehaviorJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 110
H21(a)Political TheoryRoundtable: Grounded Normative Theory and its MethodologiesJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 207
H21(b)Political TheorySolidarity and Organic PoliticsJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 305
J21Provincial and Territorial Politics in Canada and BeyondWorkshop: The Changing Face of Provincial Party Politics IV: Party System Change in the Canadian ProvincesJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmESB 2012
L21Race, Ethnicity, Indigenous Peoples and PoliticsTreaty Relations and Indigenous SovereigntyJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 121
N21Women, Gender, and PoliticsReimagining Political Behaviour and RepresentationJun 603:15pm to 04:45pmSWING 410

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