• darkblurbg

    CPSA Students Caucus Meeting

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg

    Workshop: The Official Languages Act at 50
    Le 50e anniversaire de la Loi sur les langues officielles

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg

    Reception: Department of Political Science
    University of British Columbia

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg
    Canadian Political Science Association
    2019 Annual Conference Programme


    Hosted at the University of British Columbia
    Tuesday, June 4 to Thursday, June 6, 2019
  • darkblurbg
    Presidential Address:
    François Rocher, CPSA President

    Life and Death of an Issue:
    Canadian Political Science and
    Quebec Politics

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Tuesday, June 4, 2019 | 05:00pm to 06:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote: UBCIC Grand
    Chief Stewart Phillip

    Asserting Indigenous
    Title and Rights in 2019

    Location: CIRS 1250
    June 04, 2019 | 10:30am to 12:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote Speaker: Wendy Brown
    In the Ruins of Neoliberalism:
    Our Predicaments:
    the Rise of Anti-democratic
    Politics in the West

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Wednesday, June 5, 2019 | 02:00pm to 03:30pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote Speaker: Roland Paris
    Canada Alone?
    Surviving in a Meaner World

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Thursday, June 6, 2019 | 10:30am to 12:00pm

Special Events

R10 - Should the CJPS/RCSP Become an Open Access Journal?

Date: Jun 5 | Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm | Location: SWING 121

Chair/Président/Présidente : Martin Papillon (Chair, Joint CPSA-SQSP Committee on the Impact of Open Access on the CJPS [OA-CJPS Committee] | Président du Comité mixte ACSP-SQSP sur l'impact du libre accès sur la RCSP [Comité LA-RCSP - Montréal)

Mélanie Bourque (CJPS French Language Co-editor - Member OA-CJPS Committee | Codirectrice francophone RCSP – membre Comité LA-RCSP – UQO Saint-Jérôme)
Alex Marland (Member OA-CJPS Committee | Membre Comité LA-RCSP - Memorial University)
Brenda O’Neill (CJPS English Language Co-editor - Member OA-CJPS Committee | Codirectrice anglophone RCSP – membre Comité LA-RCSP - University of Calgary)
Chris Robinson (Editor, Journals/Éditeur, Revues - Cambridge University Press)

Should the CJPS become an open access journal?
Open access (OA) is rapidly gaining support in the scientific community. As of 2021, the Canadian Journal of Political Science (CJPS) will no longer be eligible for SSHRC’s Aid to Scholarly Journal grant unless its scholarly content is minimally accessible for free within 12 months of publication. The CJPS, the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) and the Société québécoise de science politique (SQSP) are vulnerable because transitioning to OA would reduce revenues from the journal’s subscription fees and royalties, which represent a significant proportion of their income. A CPSA-SQSP committee has prepared a preliminary report making recommendations on the path ahead for the CJPS in this changing context.

The preliminary report is available HERE

The committee will present its report and receive feedback from the Association’s members at this roundtable.

La RCSP devrait-elle adopter le libre-accès?
Le phénomène du libre accès (LA) gagne en importance dans le domaine des publications savantes. Pour être admissible au programme de soutien aux revues savantes du CRSH, la Revue canadienne de science politique devra à partir de 2021 rendre accessible gratuitement son contenu scientifique après un délai de 12 mois. L’impact du virage vers le LA sur la Revue reste incertain, mais son modèle d’affaires, qui repose sur les abonnements et les redevances est vulnérable. Un déclin des revenus en provenance de la Revue affectera également l’Association canadienne de science politique et la Société québécoise de science politique, qui financent une partie de leurs activités grâce à ceux-ci. Un comité mixte de l’ACSP et de la SQSP a préparé un rapport préliminaire afin de faire un état de la situation et proposer des pistes de réponses.

Le rapport est disponible ICI

Le comité présentera son rapport et sollicitera par la même occasion les commentaires des membres de l’ACSP lors de la table-ronde.

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