• darkblurbg

    CPSA Students Caucus Meeting

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg

    Workshop: The Official Languages Act at 50
    Le 50e anniversaire de la Loi sur les langues officielles

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg

    Reception: Department of Political Science
    University of British Columbia

    2019 Annual Conference - June 4, 2019
  • darkblurbg
    Canadian Political Science Association
    2019 Annual Conference Programme


    Hosted at the University of British Columbia
    Tuesday, June 4 to Thursday, June 6, 2019
  • darkblurbg
    Presidential Address:
    François Rocher, CPSA President

    Life and Death of an Issue:
    Canadian Political Science and
    Quebec Politics

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Tuesday, June 4, 2019 | 05:00pm to 06:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote: UBCIC Grand
    Chief Stewart Phillip

    Asserting Indigenous
    Title and Rights in 2019

    Location: CIRS 1250
    June 04, 2019 | 10:30am to 12:00pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote Speaker: Wendy Brown
    In the Ruins of Neoliberalism:
    Our Predicaments:
    the Rise of Anti-democratic
    Politics in the West

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Wednesday, June 5, 2019 | 02:00pm to 03:30pm
  • darkblurbg
    Keynote Speaker: Roland Paris
    Canada Alone?
    Surviving in a Meaner World

    Location: CIRS 1250
    Thursday, June 6, 2019 | 10:30am to 12:00pm

Special Events

R07(c) - CPSA Women’s Caucus BBQ Social / Caucus des femmes de l'ACSP Soirée BBQ

Date: Jun 4 | Time: 07:15pm to 11:59pm | Location: St John’s College, UBC 2111 Lower Mall

Join us under the stars for a BBQ Buffet and the annual networking event.
Register for the BBQ when you register for Congress. Register for the networking event HERE.

Drinks at 7:15 pm | BBQ at 7:30 pm | Networking at 8:00 pm

Dear CPSA Women’s Caucus reception attendees,

On behalf of the entire steering committee, thank you again for registering for the Women’s Caucus Dinner.

This year we have planned a Courtyard BBQ Social at St John’s College at UBC, 2111 Lower Mall, on Tuesday, June 4.

Join us for drinks starting at 7:15pm, followed by a BBQ buffet at 7:30pm. Dinner will include assorted lemonade, iced tea, hamburgers, hotdogs, and salads (vegan and vegetarian options provided). There will be a cash bar serving beer and wine; drinks will cost $5 each.

We would like to highlight a few things before the BBQ Social.

  • First, we have some fun games in mind for our Networking Event being held from 8-9pm during the social. Established, mid-career, and emerging scholars (including graduate students and those in alternative-academic careers) will be matched up based on interests to meet someone new and broaden your networks. The networking event is open to people of all genders. Even if you have participated in the networking event before please register HERE by Friday, May 24th.

Looking forward to seeing you in Vancouver.

Emily, Alana, and Jessica

Rejoignez-nous sous les étoiles pour un buffet BBQ et notre séance de réseautage annuelle.
Inscrivez-vous au BBQ sur le site d’inscription du Congrès. Inscrivez-vous à la séance de réseautage en cliquant ICI.

Cocktail à 19h15 | BBQ à 19h30 | Séance de réseautage à 20h00

Chèr.e.s participant.e.s à la réception du caucus des femmes de l’ACSP,

Au nom du bureau de direction du caucus, merci de votre participation.

Cette année, nous avons planifié un souper BBQ à St. John’s College - 2111 Lower Mall, sur le campus de l’UBC, le mardi 4 juin.  

Rejoignez-nous à 19h15 pour prendre un verre. Le BBQ commencera à 19h30. Le souper incluira limonade, thé glacé, hamburgers, hotdogs, et des salades (options végétaliens/végétariens disponibles). Un bar payant (bière et vin) sera ouvert; les boissons coûteront $5.

Quelques choses à souligner :

  • Premièrement, le session de réseautage inclura des jeux de réseautage amusants, et aura lieu entre 20h et 21h. Les chercheur.e.s, enseignant.e.s, et étudiant.e.s de tout niveaux (établi.e.s, mi-carrière, et émergent.e.s) seront groupé.e.s par intérêt avec l’intention d’agrandir des réseaux et de rencontrer des collègues nouveaux/nouvelles. La séance de réseautage sera ouverte aux personnes de tous les genres. Même si vous avez déja participé, inscrivez-vous ICI avant vendredi le 24 mai, SVP.


Au plaisir de vous rencontrer à Vancouver!

Emily, Alana et Jessica

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